Izdelki za oprema za obloge (5)

Knjigovodna linija EMP 513 - Za ekonomsko proizvodnjo trdih knjig z ravnim hrbtom

Knjigovodna linija EMP 513 - Za ekonomsko proizvodnjo trdih knjig z ravnim hrbtom

The EMP 513 casingin machine is suitable for casingin straight and rubbeddown book blocks at up to 30 cycles per minute. The book blocks can be inserted in rigid, flexible or plastic covers and are then pressed. The joint is also formed cleanly. Max. cycles / minute:30 Max. book format:385 x 315 mm
Plastična obloga - Obloge iz termoplastičnega ali fluoriranega materiala

Plastična obloga - Obloge iz termoplastičnega ali fluoriranega materiala

Auskleidungen aus thermoplastischem oder fluoriertem Material schützen Anlagen aus Metall oder Verbundwerkstoff (Tanks, Zentrifugen, ...) vor Korrosion oder Verschleiss. Dank ihrer grösseren Dicke garantieren die Beschichtungen von Sena Plastics im Gegensatz zu thermoplastischen Pulvern eine höhere Beständigkeit. Sie können durchaus mit emaillierten Tanks oder anderen emaillierten Geräten konkurrieren. Ausgekleidete Anlagen garantieren eine lange Lebensdauer. Thermoplastische oder fluorierte Materialien erlauben höhere mechanische, chemische oder thermische Belastungen. Verfügbare Liner: PE-HWU / PE-EL / PP / PVC / PPs-EL PVDF / E-CTFE / FEP / MFA / PTFE / PFA
Knjigovodska linija Diamant MC - Za proizvodnjo konvencionalno in digitalno tiskanih knjig

Knjigovodska linija Diamant MC - Za proizvodnjo konvencionalno in digitalno tiskanih knjig

The Diamant MC for conventionally and digitally printed books produces at up to 60 cycles per minute. The motion control technology ensures shortest setup times in combination with highest flexibility, quality and productivity. This enables you to produce a maximum variety of products with the Diamant MC. The modular platform also allows individual customer solutions and generates synergy effects due to high amount of common parts with the Diamant MC Digital. Therefore the conventional bookline always benefits from the further developments of the digital bookline. This results an enormous investment protection and makes the Diamant MC the most powerful bookline with the highest degree of automation on the market! Max. cycles / minute:60 Max. book format:400 x 308 mm
Knjigovodska linija Diamant MC Digital - Za majhne in kratke serije vseh vrst knjig

Knjigovodska linija Diamant MC Digital - Za majhne in kratke serije vseh vrst knjig

Low print runs, such as reprints of books, are produced very efficiently in the highest quality with the Diamant MC Digital – whether they have rounded spines or straight spines.This allows the economic production of smallest jobs down to copyofone. Max. cycles / hour:30 - 35 Max. book format:400 x 308 mm
Linija za lepljenje zadaj RF 700 - Za proizvodnjo visokokakovostnih trdih knjig

Linija za lepljenje zadaj RF 700 - Za proizvodnjo visokokakovostnih trdih knjig

The RF 700 is predestined for gluing and folding threadsewn book blocks. It is used to trim and fold threadsewn book blocks and can be configured as a 30 cycles/min. line or a 70 cycles/min. line. By means of an integrated facing feed station, facing and finishing parts can be applied and glued to the book block before the gluing process. The CoPilot system offers shortest setup times and efficient operator handling. All gluing processes are available. The backlining station of the RF 700 processes according to the crosswise backlining principle. The RF 700 can be designed both in book production lines and as an offline solution. Max cycles / minute:30 - 70 Max. book block format:400 x 320 mm